Day One at Hoy Un Exito (A Success)

Have you ever had moments where you wonder how you are getting paid for doing something you love?

I remember vividly when a young Larry Bird, the self-proclaimed Hick From French Lick, fresh off of signing a multi-million dollar contract, said, “I forgot to tell Mr. Auerbach I would have played for nothing.”

Given that we’ve got Aidan going to college in a few short months, I’m not willing to go as far as Larry did, even in jest.

But I do understand the sentiment.

I was talking today with Victor Perez, one of my new colleagues at Hoy, about his coverage of national and world issues.

I had gone through the standard Human Resources orientation, been introduced by Fernando and was in the process of going around and introducing myself to my teammates.

I took Victor to my brother Jon’s web site and showed him some of the gruesome  images Jon has taken of murdered bus drivers in Guatemala, of undocumented migrants crossing the Rio Grande and of anti-immigrant rallies here in Illinois.

“Es fuerte,” Victor kept saying, pulling in his breath involuntarily as he looked at the image.

“Es fuerte.”

“It’s strong.”

We continued talking about the work Victor does, shared a little bit about where our families are from, and began to talk about the work we will do together.

The conversation flowed easily, and in Spanish, as if we had known each other for months, rather than minutes.

As we clicked through the work to which Jon has dedicated much of the past decade, I marveled at my great fortune to be in one of journalism’s most storied buildings talking with a new colleague from another country in a language that is not mine, but in which I had gained a certain proficiency by watching a telenovela with my wife and reading the writing of the person with whom I was speaking.

I know there will be challenges, many of them, as there are at any job, that the sheen of being new and the thrill of speaking Spanish daily may recede over time.

And, at that moment, I was feeling deep down good.

Day Two is tomorrow.

I can’t wait.


8 responses to “Day One at Hoy Un Exito (A Success)

  1. I’m so delighted, Jeff. You deserve all the good things this will bring you.

    • jeffkellylowenstein3

      Thanks, my brother. Hope all is well with you and your crew up in the activism hub. Let’s talk soon!



  2. Hi Jeff,

    Thank you for sharing the experience of your first day on the job — it sounds wonderful.

    Congratulations again.


    • jeffkellylowenstein3

      Thanks, my man. Deb Chad is staying with us, so you, your lovely wife and children have come up a number of times in conversation.

      Hope all is well with you.


  3. How about a Day 2 story to consider: “The Air We Breathe: The Chicago Clean Air Design Challenge” : while environmental activists are trying to shut down the two coal-fired power plants in Pilsen and Little Village, and local workers are protesting the closure to keep their jobs, there is perhaps a “third way” that industrial designers are considering, namely: redesign those toxic nightmares as if your life depended on it…and it does!

    So stop smelling the roses Jeff, and jump into the thorny stuff! 🙂

    And all the best at “Oy Hoy”


  4. Me alegro de que te sientes tan entusiasmados con el inicio de su nuevo trabajo. Suena como una maravillosa oportunidad para el crecimiento y el aprendizaje. No puedo escribir en español, pero yo estoy usando traductor Google por primera vez para enviar este mensaje!

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